Third Party Terms and Conditions

Bloomberg Finance

For the purposes of these Third Party Terms and Conditions, “Developer” shall refer to Licensor and “Customer” shall refer to Licensee.

(1) Definitions.

(a) “Developer Product” shall have the same meaning as “Software Products”.

(b) “Bloomberg Materials” may include:

i. development templates and tools including the files, software, documentation and/or other materials that provide Developer with the tools to develop, modify, enhance and/or upgrade Developer Products; and

ii. any other applications, software, files, materials, documentation or other items made available for development purposes.

iii. Bloomberg Materials shall also include any portion of a Developer Product that contains elements of, or utilizes intellectual property of, such development templates and tools.

(a) “DL Data” shall refer to certain data provided or made available by Bloomberg and/or its affiliates through Bloomberg’s data license product.

(2) Use of Data.

(a) Customer is prohibited from making any use of the Bloomberg Materials contained in such Developer Products other than to receive and use DL Data from Bloomberg or its affiliates in accordance with a then-effective agreement with Bloomberg or its affiliates; and

(b) Bloomberg and its affiliates are third-party beneficiaries of the protections in clause (a) above.