
Airport Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 57,179 48,627 41,199 35,060 32,231
Total Assets 509,937 454,247 364,445 359,481 364,830
Total Debt 75,883 68,102 62,662 65,841 68,930
Total Liabilities 151,322 128,915 93,216 95,782 97,455
Unrestricted Fund Balance 45,412 38,273 25,792 20,247 20,259
Total Fund Equity 304,027 272,873 249,244 241,210 240,590
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Landing Fee Rev 4,003 3,270 2,498 3,002 3,951
Terminal Lease Rev 6,472 5,637 4,700 6,220 5,788
Total Operating Exp 54,386 46,148 42,012 41,619 43,386
Net Operating Income -3,660 -3,858 -9,579 -8,156 -2,022
Revenue Over Expenses 8,390 5,231 -1,066 -1,674 1,123
Days Cash on Hand 599.2 637.5 587.7 482.5 464.1
Current Ratio 5.41 5.39 4.64 4.44 3.77
Payment Period 137.9 162.5 163.3 140.9 152.7
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs) 17.0 16.8 16.6 16.2 15.9
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % 20.4 21.6 21.7 23.2 24.3
Total Debt / Capitalization % 21.27 22.91 23.10 24.39 25.53
Current Debt Service Cov 2.85 2.66 1.82 1.82 2.11
Cashflow / Total Debt % 20.10 20.92 12.95 12.16 15.64
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 48.15 49.42 44.83 41.67 42.69
Operating Margin % -9.66 -9.84 -36.54 -33.81 -5.83
Profit Margin % 13.43 8.55 -3.40 -5.82 4.20
Gates In Service 13 13 13 13 13
Air Operations 110,490 100,632 92,057 81,216 101,317
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 57,179
2022 48,627
2021 41,199
2020 35,060
2019 32,231
Total Assets
2023 * 509,937
2022 454,247
2021 364,445
2020 359,481
2019 364,830
Total Debt
2023 * 75,883
2022 68,102
2021 62,662
2020 65,841
2019 68,930
Total Liabilities
2023 * 151,322
2022 128,915
2021 93,216
2020 95,782
2019 97,455
Unrestricted Fund Balance
2023 * 45,412
2022 38,273
2021 25,792
2020 20,247
2019 20,259
Total Fund Equity
2023 * 304,027
2022 272,873
2021 249,244
2020 241,210
2019 240,590
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Landing Fee Rev
2023 * 4,003
2022 3,270
2021 2,498
2020 3,002
2019 3,951
Terminal Lease Rev
2023 * 6,472
2022 5,637
2021 4,700
2020 6,220
2019 5,788
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 54,386
2022 46,148
2021 42,012
2020 41,619
2019 43,386
Net Operating Income
2023 * -3,660
2022 -3,858
2021 -9,579
2020 -8,156
2019 -2,022
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * 8,390
2022 5,231
2021 -1,066
2020 -1,674
2019 1,123
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 599.2
2022 637.5
2021 587.7
2020 482.5
2019 464.1
Current Ratio
2023 * 5.41
2022 5.39
2021 4.64
2020 4.44
2019 3.77
Payment Period
2023 * 137.9
2022 162.5
2021 163.3
2020 140.9
2019 152.7
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs)
2023 * 17.0
2022 16.8
2021 16.6
2020 16.2
2019 15.9
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 20.4
2022 21.6
2021 21.7
2020 23.2
2019 24.3
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 21.27
2022 22.91
2021 23.10
2020 24.39
2019 25.53
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 2.85
2022 2.66
2021 1.82
2020 1.82
2019 2.11
Cashflow / Total Debt %
2023 * 20.10
2022 20.92
2021 12.95
2020 12.16
2019 15.64
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 48.15
2022 49.42
2021 44.83
2020 41.67
2019 42.69
Operating Margin %
2023 * -9.66
2022 -9.84
2021 -36.54
2020 -33.81
2019 -5.83
Profit Margin %
2023 * 13.43
2022 8.55
2021 -3.40
2020 -5.82
2019 4.20
Gates In Service
2023 * 13
2022 13
2021 13
2020 13
2019 13
Air Operations
2023 * 110,490
2022 100,632
2021 92,057
2020 81,216
2019 101,317

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.