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County Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 79,630 64,351 50,685 38,910 40,385
Total Assets 242,281 205,283 175,956 157,077 168,193
Total Debt (Gov Activities) 38,986 28,805 25,188 24,185 28,113
Total Liabilities 114,225 99,222 87,065 77,187 86,330
Unrestricted Net Assets 7,022 4,477 775 -2,334 -6,387
Total Net Assets 100,783 83,633 68,855 58,174 56,986
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Property Tax Rev 38,678 29,702 27,525 26,872 29,471
Total Tax Rev 56,990 44,160 39,149 36,535 41,906
Total Exp 87,211 70,469 62,682 63,340 69,939
Revenue Over Expense 8,831 8,921 7,015 2,761 1,269
Days Cash on Hand 213.7 217.5 203.8 166.3 144.8
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities) 345.1 374.7 335.2 248.6 227.5
Current Ratio (Gov Activities) 4.29 3.94 4.31 6.15 5.77
Payment Period (Gov Activities) 55.8 55.5 51.8 50.9 50.7
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities) 15.1 15.8 16.1 15.8 15.7
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 24.0 22.1 21.5 21.4 23.7
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 29.05 26.84 26.37 27.12 30.28
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities) 43.0 49.3 43.3 28.7 18.9
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita 1,032.7 945.1 834.0 939.8 949.8
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Estimated Full Value % 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.1
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) % 13.4 9.4 2.6 -6.5 -12.0
Tot Fund Bal / Gen Fd Exp % 58.98 58.88 56.04 48.37 42.10
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities) 595.7 532.6 494.2 463.5 426.4
Tax Base ($000)
Estimated Full Value 13,390,254 9,177,581 8,242,856 7,843,490 8,445,320
Total Taxable Assessed Value 6,099,141 4,122,515 3,672,537 3,462,704 3,840,329
Population 83,278 67,926 65,587 65,590 76,218
Unemployment Rate 3.5 3.5 4.1 6.6 3.7
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 79,630
2022 64,351
2021 50,685
2020 38,910
2019 40,385
Total Assets
2023 * 242,281
2022 205,283
2021 175,956
2020 157,077
2019 168,193
Total Debt (Gov Activities)
2023 * 38,986
2022 28,805
2021 25,188
2020 24,185
2019 28,113
Total Liabilities
2023 * 114,225
2022 99,222
2021 87,065
2020 77,187
2019 86,330
Unrestricted Net Assets
2023 * 7,022
2022 4,477
2021 775
2020 -2,334
2019 -6,387
Total Net Assets
2023 * 100,783
2022 83,633
2021 68,855
2020 58,174
2019 56,986
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Property Tax Rev
2023 * 38,678
2022 29,702
2021 27,525
2020 26,872
2019 29,471
Total Tax Rev
2023 * 56,990
2022 44,160
2021 39,149
2020 36,535
2019 41,906
Total Exp
2023 * 87,211
2022 70,469
2021 62,682
2020 63,340
2019 69,939
Revenue Over Expense
2023 * 8,831
2022 8,921
2021 7,015
2020 2,761
2019 1,269
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 213.7
2022 217.5
2021 203.8
2020 166.3
2019 144.8
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities)
2023 * 345.1
2022 374.7
2021 335.2
2020 248.6
2019 227.5
Current Ratio (Gov Activities)
2023 * 4.29
2022 3.94
2021 4.31
2020 6.15
2019 5.77
Payment Period (Gov Activities)
2023 * 55.8
2022 55.5
2021 51.8
2020 50.9
2019 50.7
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities)
2023 * 15.1
2022 15.8
2021 16.1
2020 15.8
2019 15.7
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 24.0
2022 22.1
2021 21.5
2020 21.4
2019 23.7
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 29.05
2022 26.84
2021 26.37
2020 27.12
2019 30.28
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 43.0
2022 49.3
2021 43.3
2020 28.7
2019 18.9
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita
2023 * 1,032.7
2022 945.1
2021 834.0
2020 939.8
2019 949.8
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Estimated Full Value %
2023 * 0.8
2022 0.9
2021 0.8
2020 1.0
2019 1.1
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) %
2023 * 13.4
2022 9.4
2021 2.6
2020 -6.5
2019 -12.0
Tot Fund Bal / Gen Fd Exp %
2023 * 58.98
2022 58.88
2021 56.04
2020 48.37
2019 42.10
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities)
2023 * 595.7
2022 532.6
2021 494.2
2020 463.5
2019 426.4
Tax Base ($000)
Estimated Full Value
2023 * 13,390,254
2022 9,177,581
2021 8,242,856
2020 7,843,490
2019 8,445,320
Total Taxable Assessed Value
2023 * 6,099,141
2022 4,122,515
2021 3,672,537
2020 3,462,704
2019 3,840,329
2023 * 83,278
2022 67,926
2021 65,587
2020 65,590
2019 76,218
Unemployment Rate
2023 * 3.5
2022 3.5
2021 4.1
2020 6.6
2019 3.7

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.