
Public Higher Education Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 101,569 99,769 96,067 82,166 75,793
Total Assets 810,119 720,497 703,452 642,926 633,753
Total Debt 183,223 170,761 158,687 157,565 156,412
Total Liabilities 498,710 451,483 454,490 427,392 421,072
Total Unrestricted Net Assets 3,312 -6,356 -12,402 -44,458 -43,429
Total Net Assets 285,973 251,756 228,573 194,795 181,401
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Net Tuition Rev 92,255 85,812 84,340 87,869 89,083
Total Operating Exp 321,609 287,648 264,372 264,803 264,826
Adjusted Net Operating Income -27,571 -28,596 -33,262 -31,364 -26,238
Revenue Over Expenses 4,767 12,930 7,950 -2,396 -960
Unrestricted Resources to Operations % 1.71 -3.64 -9.10 -15.85 -16.11
Unrestricted Resources to Debt % 1.22 -5.58 -11.77 -29.53 -31.33
Expendable Resources to Operations % 12.47 7.76 1.48 -8.12 -8.38
Expendable Resources to Debt % 19.83 11.95 2.24 -12.52 -10.77
Average Age of Plant 14.72 15.27 15.50 15.27 14.90
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % 34.2 34.8 33.9 35.9 37.0
Total Debt / Capitalization % 36.94 37.55 36.31 40.06 39.37
Current Debt Service Cov 2.29 3.19 2.83 1.60 1.77
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 11.00 13.35 12.26 7.37 8.08
Adjusted Operating Margin % -10.65 -11.64 -14.96 -14.11 -11.43
Profit Margin % 1.80 4.61 3.83 -1.02 -0.52
Undergraduate Headcount 10,419 10,245 10,536 10,756 11,135
Total Headcount 13,492 13,016 12,942 13,010 13,395
Total Full-Time Equivalent Students 10,745 10,374 10,409 10,720 10,893
Tuition: Resident 7,802 7,716 7,376 7,271 7,080
Tuition: Non-Resident 18,909 18,436 18,346 18,204 18,255
Tuition Dependence % 29.16 31.17 34.07 33.47 33.32
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 101,569
2022 99,769
2021 96,067
2020 82,166
2019 75,793
Total Assets
2023 * 810,119
2022 720,497
2021 703,452
2020 642,926
2019 633,753
Total Debt
2023 * 183,223
2022 170,761
2021 158,687
2020 157,565
2019 156,412
Total Liabilities
2023 * 498,710
2022 451,483
2021 454,490
2020 427,392
2019 421,072
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
2023 * 3,312
2022 -6,356
2021 -12,402
2020 -44,458
2019 -43,429
Total Net Assets
2023 * 285,973
2022 251,756
2021 228,573
2020 194,795
2019 181,401
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Net Tuition Rev
2023 * 92,255
2022 85,812
2021 84,340
2020 87,869
2019 89,083
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 321,609
2022 287,648
2021 264,372
2020 264,803
2019 264,826
Adjusted Net Operating Income
2023 * -27,571
2022 -28,596
2021 -33,262
2020 -31,364
2019 -26,238
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * 4,767
2022 12,930
2021 7,950
2020 -2,396
2019 -960
Unrestricted Resources to Operations %
2023 * 1.71
2022 -3.64
2021 -9.10
2020 -15.85
2019 -16.11
Unrestricted Resources to Debt %
2023 * 1.22
2022 -5.58
2021 -11.77
2020 -29.53
2019 -31.33
Expendable Resources to Operations %
2023 * 12.47
2022 7.76
2021 1.48
2020 -8.12
2019 -8.38
Expendable Resources to Debt %
2023 * 19.83
2022 11.95
2021 2.24
2020 -12.52
2019 -10.77
Average Age of Plant
2023 * 14.72
2022 15.27
2021 15.50
2020 15.27
2019 14.90
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 34.2
2022 34.8
2021 33.9
2020 35.9
2019 37.0
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 36.94
2022 37.55
2021 36.31
2020 40.06
2019 39.37
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 2.29
2022 3.19
2021 2.83
2020 1.60
2019 1.77
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 11.00
2022 13.35
2021 12.26
2020 7.37
2019 8.08
Adjusted Operating Margin %
2023 * -10.65
2022 -11.64
2021 -14.96
2020 -14.11
2019 -11.43
Profit Margin %
2023 * 1.80
2022 4.61
2021 3.83
2020 -1.02
2019 -0.52
Undergraduate Headcount
2023 * 10,419
2022 10,245
2021 10,536
2020 10,756
2019 11,135
Total Headcount
2023 * 13,492
2022 13,016
2021 12,942
2020 13,010
2019 13,395
Total Full-Time Equivalent Students
2023 * 10,745
2022 10,374
2021 10,409
2020 10,720
2019 10,893
Tuition: Resident
2023 * 7,802
2022 7,716
2021 7,376
2020 7,271
2019 7,080
Tuition: Non-Resident
2023 * 18,909
2022 18,436
2021 18,346
2020 18,204
2019 18,255
Tuition Dependence %
2023 * 29.16
2022 31.17
2021 34.07
2020 33.47
2019 33.32

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.