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State Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 16,754,517 14,215,145 10,642,709 6,880,127 4,711,461
Total Assets 48,361,832 45,265,293 39,120,900 33,147,908 30,024,504
Total Debt (Gov Activities) 4,452,212 4,697,111 3,883,034 3,704,974 3,778,310
Total Liabilities 20,584,513 19,627,823 18,378,023 15,997,021 14,636,115
Unrestricted Net Assets 602,122 -663,567 -2,616,749 -4,019,773 -3,680,952
Total Net Assets 22,059,609 17,662,455 13,379,746 11,007,382 10,252,224
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Sales Tax Rev or Gross Receipts Tax Rev (Gov) 4,772,516 4,632,361 3,921,017 3,716,377 3,630,891
Income Tax Rev 5,835,442 5,903,944 5,016,711 4,279,694 4,497,832
Total Exp 33,715,740 29,538,284 25,956,109 22,274,188 20,415,147
Revenue Over Expense 2,682,232 3,346,000 2,098,143 151,462 669,578
Days Cash on Hand 164.1 150.8 123.3 70.2 59.7
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities) 175.4 169.5 139.2 107.3 86.3
Current Ratio (Gov Activities) 2.85 2.48 2.18 1.88 2.15
Payment Period (Gov Activities) 50.9 57.2 55.6 55.4 52.9
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities) 14.1 13.6 15.6 15.1 14.4
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 20.6 23.7 9.7 12.6 12.4
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities) 22.82 24.18 17.78 17.50 17.41
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities) 57.5 57.0 44.8 15.4 18.2
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita 2,436.1 2,204.6 3,789.3 2,870.9 2,959.1
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Personal Income % 4.0 3.6 5.7 5.0 6.3
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) % 1.6 -3.2 -14.1 -23.8 -25.4
Assigned Fund Bal + Unassigned Fund Bal / Gen Fund Exp % 29.8 20.4 11.6 6.1 6.3
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities) 3,907.7 3,924.8 3,336.6 3,010.6 3,014.9
Population 4,493,632 4,372,275 4,371,546 4,344,231 4,323,906
Unemployment Rate 3.5 3.7 5.5 9.3 3.7
State GDP (Millions) 286,761 247,957 212,211 212,973 207,352
Statement of Net Position – Governmental Activities ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 16,754,517
2022 14,215,145
2021 10,642,709
2020 6,880,127
2019 4,711,461
Total Assets
2023 * 48,361,832
2022 45,265,293
2021 39,120,900
2020 33,147,908
2019 30,024,504
Total Debt (Gov Activities)
2023 * 4,452,212
2022 4,697,111
2021 3,883,034
2020 3,704,974
2019 3,778,310
Total Liabilities
2023 * 20,584,513
2022 19,627,823
2021 18,378,023
2020 15,997,021
2019 14,636,115
Unrestricted Net Assets
2023 * 602,122
2022 -663,567
2021 -2,616,749
2020 -4,019,773
2019 -3,680,952
Total Net Assets
2023 * 22,059,609
2022 17,662,455
2021 13,379,746
2020 11,007,382
2019 10,252,224
Statement of Activities – Governmental Activities ($000)
Sales Tax Rev or Gross Receipts Tax Rev (Gov)
2023 * 4,772,516
2022 4,632,361
2021 3,921,017
2020 3,716,377
2019 3,630,891
Income Tax Rev
2023 * 5,835,442
2022 5,903,944
2021 5,016,711
2020 4,279,694
2019 4,497,832
Total Exp
2023 * 33,715,740
2022 29,538,284
2021 25,956,109
2020 22,274,188
2019 20,415,147
Revenue Over Expense
2023 * 2,682,232
2022 3,346,000
2021 2,098,143
2020 151,462
2019 669,578
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 164.1
2022 150.8
2021 123.3
2020 70.2
2019 59.7
Days Cash on Hand (Gov Activities)
2023 * 175.4
2022 169.5
2021 139.2
2020 107.3
2019 86.3
Current Ratio (Gov Activities)
2023 * 2.85
2022 2.48
2021 2.18
2020 1.88
2019 2.15
Payment Period (Gov Activities)
2023 * 50.9
2022 57.2
2021 55.6
2020 55.4
2019 52.9
Average Age of PPE (Gov Activities)
2023 * 14.1
2022 13.6
2021 15.6
2020 15.1
2019 14.4
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 20.6
2022 23.7
2021 9.7
2020 12.6
2019 12.4
Total Direct Debt / Capitalization % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 22.82
2022 24.18
2021 17.78
2020 17.50
2019 17.41
Cashflow / Total Debt % (Gov Activities)
2023 * 57.5
2022 57.0
2021 44.8
2020 15.4
2019 18.2
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) per Capita
2023 * 2,436.1
2022 2,204.6
2021 3,789.3
2020 2,870.9
2019 2,959.1
Total Direct Debt + Net Pension & OPEB Liability (Single, Agent & Cost-Sharing) / Personal Income %
2023 * 4.0
2022 3.6
2021 5.7
2020 5.0
2019 6.3
Financial Condition
Unrst Net Assets (Gov) / Tot Exp (Gov) %
2023 * 1.6
2022 -3.2
2021 -14.1
2020 -23.8
2019 -25.4
Assigned Fund Bal + Unassigned Fund Bal / Gen Fund Exp %
2023 * 29.8
2022 20.4
2021 11.6
2020 6.1
2019 6.3
Total Tax Rev per Capita (Gov Activities)
2023 * 3,907.7
2022 3,924.8
2021 3,336.6
2020 3,010.6
2019 3,014.9
2023 * 4,493,632
2022 4,372,275
2021 4,371,546
2020 4,344,231
2019 4,323,906
Unemployment Rate
2023 * 3.5
2022 3.7
2021 5.5
2020 9.3
2019 3.7
State GDP (Millions)
2023 * 286,761
2022 247,957
2021 212,211
2020 212,973
2019 207,352

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.