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Tollroad Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 87,317 59,882 52,410 48,205 39,204
Total Assets 1,192,905 1,025,860 984,681 1,038,229 969,763
Total Debt 679,888 633,265 636,082 671,967 513,905
Total Liabilities 726,777 690,819 699,521 682,122 615,116
Unrestricted Fund Balance 1,672 606 0 0 0
Total Fund Equity 211,368 176,853 160,528 159,867 194,737
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Net Toll Rev 119,985 89,667 64,933 69,811 82,795
Total Operating Exp 48,618 29,916 29,469 36,931 44,613
Net Operating Income 48,581 31,903 25,297 19,846 25,214
Revenue Over Expenses 29,954 13,775 9,022 5,909 9,617
Days Cash on Hand 719.3 795.3 679.4 609.8 559.4
Current Ratio 4.08 4.28 4.46 3.92 3.71
Payment Period 304.7 286.1 279.8 255.1 250.0
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs) 13.0 12.2 12.6 12.5 11.8
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % 66.8 67.1 67.4 65.9 67.8
Total Debt / Capitalization % 69.77 68.09 68.91 68.22 68.98
Current Debt Service Cov 2.18 2.04 1.68 1.51 1.92
Cashflow / Total Debt % 9.04 8.56 6.42 4.33 7.37
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 67.41 68.98 64.07 62.96 65.17
Operating Margin % 43.94 50.18 43.16 34.75 40.30
Profit Margin % 21.07 15.00 6.61 5.89 18.65
Profile (000)
Passenger Vehicles 35,333 29,750 26,411 29,652 33,802
Total Vehicles 41,339 36,472 33,706 32,489 37,971
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 87,317
2022 59,882
2021 52,410
2020 48,205
2019 39,204
Total Assets
2023 * 1,192,905
2022 1,025,860
2021 984,681
2020 1,038,229
2019 969,763
Total Debt
2023 * 679,888
2022 633,265
2021 636,082
2020 671,967
2019 513,905
Total Liabilities
2023 * 726,777
2022 690,819
2021 699,521
2020 682,122
2019 615,116
Unrestricted Fund Balance
2023 * 1,672
2022 606
2021 0
2020 0
2019 0
Total Fund Equity
2023 * 211,368
2022 176,853
2021 160,528
2020 159,867
2019 194,737
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Net Toll Rev
2023 * 119,985
2022 89,667
2021 64,933
2020 69,811
2019 82,795
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 48,618
2022 29,916
2021 29,469
2020 36,931
2019 44,613
Net Operating Income
2023 * 48,581
2022 31,903
2021 25,297
2020 19,846
2019 25,214
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * 29,954
2022 13,775
2021 9,022
2020 5,909
2019 9,617
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 719.3
2022 795.3
2021 679.4
2020 609.8
2019 559.4
Current Ratio
2023 * 4.08
2022 4.28
2021 4.46
2020 3.92
2019 3.71
Payment Period
2023 * 304.7
2022 286.1
2021 279.8
2020 255.1
2019 250.0
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs)
2023 * 13.0
2022 12.2
2021 12.6
2020 12.5
2019 11.8
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 66.8
2022 67.1
2021 67.4
2020 65.9
2019 67.8
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 69.77
2022 68.09
2021 68.91
2020 68.22
2019 68.98
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 2.18
2022 2.04
2021 1.68
2020 1.51
2019 1.92
Cashflow / Total Debt %
2023 * 9.04
2022 8.56
2021 6.42
2020 4.33
2019 7.37
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 67.41
2022 68.98
2021 64.07
2020 62.96
2019 65.17
Operating Margin %
2023 * 43.94
2022 50.18
2021 43.16
2020 34.75
2019 40.30
Profit Margin %
2023 * 21.07
2022 15.00
2021 6.61
2020 5.89
2019 18.65
Profile (000)
Passenger Vehicles
2023 * 35,333
2022 29,750
2021 26,411
2020 29,652
2019 33,802
Total Vehicles
2023 * 41,339
2022 36,472
2021 33,706
2020 32,489
2019 37,971

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.