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Water / Sewer Medians

2023 * 2022 2021 2020 2019
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments 23,582 22,004 19,918 18,006 16,607
Total Assets 196,273 176,014 161,642 150,610 143,636
Total Debt 53,679 50,604 44,971 42,417 40,477
Total Liabilities 69,718 63,575 59,418 55,476 52,967
Unrestricted Fund Balance 20,220 18,676 15,561 12,929 12,009
Total Fund Equity 116,186 102,940 94,480 88,098 82,693
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Total Water / Sewer Sales Operating Rev 24,458 21,818 20,036 18,881 17,904
Total Operating Exp 21,597 18,445 17,308 16,588 15,720
Net Operating Income 3,447 4,243 3,802 3,061 3,107
Revenue Over Expenses 4,147 3,372 3,123 2,671 2,646
Days Cash on Hand 542.7 578.9 555.4 511.5 497.7
Current Ratio 5.09 5.04 4.99 4.95 4.81
Payment Period 156.0 162.3 155.1 146.7 147.7
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs) 17.0 16.5 16.3 16.1 15.8
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization % 34.9 36.3 36.5 36.5 36.9
Total Debt / Capitalization % 37.06 38.61 38.77 38.92 39.90
Current Debt Service Cov 2.11 2.07 2.07 1.91 1.90
Cashflow / Total Debt % 15.08 14.09 14.02 13.43 13.53
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin % 43.86 44.33 44.47 43.14 44.41
Operating Margin % 18.22 21.34 21.11 18.73 18.63
Profit Margin % 16.54 15.54 14.82 13.51 14.01
Total Water Customers 24,670 21,920 20,913 20,570 20,156
Max Water Treatment Capacity (MGD) 32.4 32.4 30.0 30.0 30.0
Total Sewer Customers 23,374 20,629 19,776 19,280 19,207
Max Sewer Treatment Capacity (MGD) 18.0 16.0 15.4 15.8 16.0
Statement of Net Position ($000)
Cash & Short-Term Investments
2023 * 23,582
2022 22,004
2021 19,918
2020 18,006
2019 16,607
Total Assets
2023 * 196,273
2022 176,014
2021 161,642
2020 150,610
2019 143,636
Total Debt
2023 * 53,679
2022 50,604
2021 44,971
2020 42,417
2019 40,477
Total Liabilities
2023 * 69,718
2022 63,575
2021 59,418
2020 55,476
2019 52,967
Unrestricted Fund Balance
2023 * 20,220
2022 18,676
2021 15,561
2020 12,929
2019 12,009
Total Fund Equity
2023 * 116,186
2022 102,940
2021 94,480
2020 88,098
2019 82,693
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ($000)
Total Water / Sewer Sales Operating Rev
2023 * 24,458
2022 21,818
2021 20,036
2020 18,881
2019 17,904
Total Operating Exp
2023 * 21,597
2022 18,445
2021 17,308
2020 16,588
2019 15,720
Net Operating Income
2023 * 3,447
2022 4,243
2021 3,802
2020 3,061
2019 3,107
Revenue Over Expenses
2023 * 4,147
2022 3,372
2021 3,123
2020 2,671
2019 2,646
Days Cash on Hand
2023 * 542.7
2022 578.9
2021 555.4
2020 511.5
2019 497.7
Current Ratio
2023 * 5.09
2022 5.04
2021 4.99
2020 4.95
2019 4.81
Payment Period
2023 * 156.0
2022 162.3
2021 155.1
2020 146.7
2019 147.7
Average Age Net Fixed Assets (yrs)
2023 * 17.0
2022 16.5
2021 16.3
2020 16.1
2019 15.8
Long-Term Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 34.9
2022 36.3
2021 36.5
2020 36.5
2019 36.9
Total Debt / Capitalization %
2023 * 37.06
2022 38.61
2021 38.77
2020 38.92
2019 39.90
Current Debt Service Cov
2023 * 2.11
2022 2.07
2021 2.07
2020 1.91
2019 1.90
Cashflow / Total Debt %
2023 * 15.08
2022 14.09
2021 14.02
2020 13.43
2019 13.53
Financial Condition
EBIDA Margin %
2023 * 43.86
2022 44.33
2021 44.47
2020 43.14
2019 44.41
Operating Margin %
2023 * 18.22
2022 21.34
2021 21.11
2020 18.73
2019 18.63
Profit Margin %
2023 * 16.54
2022 15.54
2021 14.82
2020 13.51
2019 14.01
Total Water Customers
2023 * 24,670
2022 21,920
2021 20,913
2020 20,570
2019 20,156
Max Water Treatment Capacity (MGD)
2023 * 32.4
2022 32.4
2021 30.0
2020 30.0
2019 30.0
Total Sewer Customers
2023 * 23,374
2022 20,629
2021 19,776
2020 19,280
2019 19,207
Max Sewer Treatment Capacity (MGD)
2023 * 18.0
2022 16.0
2021 15.4
2020 15.8
2019 16.0

* Median values are based upon the number of audits received at any given point in time. Therefore, the median values for the most recent year(s) are subject to frequent updating and may not yet accurately characterize the median values of a complete sample size.