The Investortools Dealer Network

Unrivaled Trading Connectivity and Integration that Fuels AUM Growth

The Investortools Dealer Network (IDN) is your recipe for fixed-income trading success: one-part direct dealer connections, one-part robust ATS connectivity, mix in industry-leading automation and trading workflows, top with your unique “secret sauce.”

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The Investortools Dealer Network is revolutionizing fixed-income trading

Our clients are building better portfolios and achieving unprecedented results with their trading desk by harnessing the IDN’s connectivity and deep integration of market data, all while aligning with their proprietary portfolio management objectives and constraints.

Automation Toolkit

From preallocation to execution, the IDN delivers scalable, automated straight through processing workflows for the trading desk.

Achievable Optimization

Deep integration of market data and your strategic objectives informs you of optimization opportunities present in the live market that are immediately actionable.

Extensive Connectivity

Direct, bilateral connectivity to dealers and ATS provides vast market depth and all-to-all trading, ensuring best execution.

Automation Toolkit

Streamlined trading workflows with automation

The IDN enhances trading efficiency, enabling teams to execute more trades daily. Its automation allows users to concentrate on high-value tasks, resulting in increased capacity and improved trade alpha.

"With a single click, you can find exact or similar CUSIPs, bid, allocate, and quickly build positions. The speed of the IDN allows us to increase trade volume while easily tracking performance, freeing up time to perform additional trading and other portfolio management tasks.”

Trader, CFA
Investment Management Firm with over $30 Billion in AUM

Extensive Connectivity

A centralized, electronic trading cockpit

The IDN consolidates your live markets into one-of-a-kind ecosystem, enabling efficient workflows, increasing market engagement, and minimizing trade errors and risk.

Maximize Competitive Advantage

A platform to execute your strategies and leverage your strengths

Full integration with the Investortools product suite means the IDN’s automation and efficiency enhancements align with each portfolio’s unique investment objectives, amplifying the value delivered by portfolio managers, traders, and credit analysts.

asset managers

Investortools Dealer Network - Asset Managers

Maximize Trader Efficiency and Ability to Scale

The IDN’s integration with the Investortools’ suite of products combines the live secondary market with your portfolio construction objectives, PM and Trader insights, internal credit analysis and approved lists, real-time pre-trade compliance, and automation capabilities.

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Investortools Dealer Network - Securities Dealers

Boost Trade Flow, Grow Counterparty Partnerships

Increase trade volumes, strengthen your relationships, and expand direct connections by engaging with counterparties on the IDN, the platform providing the most comprehensive view of the live, secondary market.

Unlock Connectivity to the Live, Secondary Market

Learn how the IDN broadens your trading reach to pinpoint optimal trading opportunities.