Investortools’ Mark Bradford featured in Hyperproof Webinar “Streamlining Audits Year-Round: Transitioning from Ad-Hoc to Proactive Processes”

Posted on 08.08.24
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Investortools participated in a webinar presented by Hyperproof and Kayne McGladrey, Hyperproof’s Field Chief Information Security Officer. Presenting alongside fellow panelists Bill Deller from Schneider Downs and Jason Lipschultz from BDO, Mark Bradford, Vice President of Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) at Investortools, shares his expertise on the evolving landscape of audits and compliance. Mark Bradford has been instrumental in establishing Investortools’ GRC department. Over his twenty-five-year tenure, he has achieved notable credentials in GRCP and GRCA certification, forged invaluable partnerships with prominent Wall Street institutions, and overseen the proliferation of risk management and compliance programs.

About Investortools

For more than four decades, Investortools has been a leading SaaS provider of solutions regarded by the industry as a prerequisite for fixed-income investment management. Its comprehensive product suite covers portfolio, order, and execution management, performance analytics, 2a-7 compliance, and credit analysis. Trusted by over 200 firms managing more than $1 trillion in assets, Investortools supports SMA managers, fund managers, broker-dealers, and other key market participants.

About Hyperproof

Hyperproof’s vision is to create a world where people can trust the organizations in their lives. To achieve that reality, Hyperproof’s helps companies confidently manage risk and build trust through legendary software and customer experiences.

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